Sunday, October 26, 2008

Those little things that make or break your day.

Isn't it odd how sometimes, something so small and insignificant can make your day totally wonderful and memorable, or make it totally and utterly terrible?? It's interesting how one small thing, for example, a compliment, can change how you view everything for a day? How if someone tells you they like your hair, your outfit, or if you get a good grade on an assessment hardly worth anything towards your class as a whole, you can go from an average mood to a really happy mood. This happened to me on the weekend. Before I start, however, I don't endorse regular binge drinking, I'll put that out there now.

I had a end of year classes party held by my residential college at university on the weekend. By the end of the day, I was quiet trollied, and bumped into a friend of mine, who had lived at the college last year. Now, lately, when I've had a few too many, when I begin to sober, I have been getting moody and a bit cranky. I was in this stage when I bumped into this particular friend, stumbling around in need of water. So up to my room we went to get my friend some water. As my friend was drinking, we ended talking about the residents committee at the college. He was on the committee last year, and when I found he was leaving, I applied for his position for 2008. He was pretty happy about this, telling me I'd have a good chance of getting on to the committee. As it ended up, I didn't get voted into the position. We were discussing this, and my friend, who had sobered up considerably by this stage, looked me in the eye and sincerely said, "Brigid, you SO deserved that position on the residents committee. I was pretty bummed you didn't get it." Of all the good things that had happened at this end of year party, this is what made me the happiest. It put me from a slightly cranky state into a really, really good mood.

Has this happened to anyone? What does everyone think of this - do you think something small and insignificant can change your day for better or worse? Let me know


IB said...

I agree with you. We are all so hung-up on needing others' approval that when we get thrown a bone we are giddy. On the other hand, when we feel as if we've been insulted it can send us crashing down. I suppose it all comes from some level of insecurity which, I suppose, is present in all of us to a degree.


Michael Horvath said...

I live for the small things in my life. They are so unexpected and "real". The big stuff I couldn't care less about.

IB said...

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